Your browser does not support JavaScript. Are you using Netscape or something?! Will my utility company buy back the extra energy I produce in Houston? | KW Solar | Houston Solar Installers, Serving Texas & Gulf Coast

Yes, there are dozens of retail energy providers that will by back your excess solar energy in Houston’s deregulated energy market.  Texas Power Guide frequently updates a comprehensive list of available solar buyback plans in Houston on their website:

The structure of available plans can vary quite a bit and sorting through can be difficult even for pros like us!  Thankfully, Texas Power Guide also has an Electric Plan Analysis Tool that will use the meter data from your own home or business to estimate how much your leftover electricity bill will after going solar and using any of the publicly available plans in their Texas Power Guide Solar Buyback Plans list.  This is an incredibly useful tool and we highly recommend that our customers utilize this tool before they invest in a solar system.

If you’re wondering why you can’t find for true dollar for dollar net metering in Houston it’s because it’s not publicly available.  However, KW Solar has a top secret (until now) program in the works to provide true dollar for dollar net metering to our customers in Houston’s deregulated market in 2025.  Contact us for more info!